Come on In and Joy me!

While I haven't taken the time to get my servers back up. Please feel free to join me on the server I'm building on now.

CDS Minecraft

And remember, If it's worth building, it's worth building BIG!

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Freshly back from my year long hiatus, I've been enjoying the new additions, and been hard at work on a couple of new builds,

When I saw the new height limit I started revisiting the various ideas I had had in Beta but couldn't really pull off with only 128 height to work with.

I remembered something I saw on ImDeity last year. I don't remember who built it, and I never saw it finished, but it did inspire me at the time. He told me he was building A town in a glass dome high above the ground. I thought that was Pretty Cool!

When I thought back to this idea, I knew it was perfect for the new height limit, so I started thinking about Shapes and Sizes. After trying out a few ideas, I thought back to the build that inspired me, At the time I thought it kinda looked like a water tower, but was only the town, no water. So I thought about Combining the two. I decided on building a Town inside a Giant Water Tower.

SkyWater is the result.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Back in Action

Ok so that last was a lie. I'm Sorry.
Shortly after my last post I started a new job and took a hiatus from Minecraft.
But now after almost exactly 1 year without the Blocks. I've fallen off the wagon...

Lots of new stuff in the game since I was last on, so I'm coming up with all new Ideas for Builds!

I'll get to adding shots of my last few projects from last year as well as the stuff I'm working on now soon

